60 tasks in 15 months

In the following you will find the tasks that I thought up for my very own version of the 101 things in 1001 days-challenge. I will be updating the list (and write a post about my progress) once a month.

Sorry for the strange title, but when I started I had thought of 60 tasks that I wanted to tick off from October 2014 to December 2015. Another year (and another list of tasks) seemed so far away at that time that I did not consider the possibility of the title not fitting ;)

January 2016 - December 2016

In the following I will post the new tasks for the year of 2016. This year there will be less than last time as I had quite a few difficulties fulfilling them. The biggest reason that I couldn't fulfill a lot of the tasks was the move to the US. Also, there were so many that I kind of lost sight of a few that I could have ticked off, but didn't as I forgot about them in the mass of tasks I still had to work on.

In the following I will soon be posting and tracking my tasks for 2016.

October 2014 - December 2015

Fulfilled tasks: 23
Cancelled tasks: 14

Tasks, that I have completed will be bold. There are a few crossed out ones that did not make any sense anymore due to our move to the US.

health/fitness/intellectual fitness
  1. 2 hours of exercise every week (0/67)
  2. 20 mins of meditation every week (0/67)
  3. 15 visits to a sauna (3/15)
  4. write down my best moments of the day 3 times a week (7/201)
  5. censored (0/15)
  6. waive mobile internet for 40 days straight (0/40)
  7. go 10 days without using internet, mobile internet, TV & computer all together (0/10)
  8. visit a high robes course (1/1)
  9. find my mission in life with this easy exercise (0/1)
  1. call grandma once a week (18/67)
  2. visit grandma 20 times (9/20)
  3. invite my family for a housewarming party (0/1)
  4. have a game night with my friends from the dance class (0/1)
  5. make an advent calendar for my boyfriend (2/2)
  6. donate 1 Euro for every task I don't complete
  7. smile at a stranger for no reason (20/20)
  8. have brunch with friends 5 times (5/5)
  9. make a donation to give back eyesight to one person (1/1)
  10. donate 400.000 grains of rice in total on FreeRice (400.000/400.000)
  11. have a dinner/game night with my boyfriend's brothers (1/2)
  1. censored (15/15)
  1. declutter and clean out bathroom cupboard (1/1)
  2. tidy up all clothes in the apartment every 2 weeks (9/33)
  3. declutter and organize my jewelry (0/1)
  4. pick out a nice wing chair (1/1)
  5. buy a carpet to go with the wing chair (0/1)
  6. wash all the windows (7/7)
  7. clean the doors in the apartment (0/4)
  8. pick flowers for a bouquet for the living room (0/1)
  9. finally plant spider plant cuttings (0/2)
  1. see a live sports game (1/1)
  2. go to the opera (1/1)
  3. visit 3 museums or exhibitions (0/3)
  4. watch all movies Audrey Hepburn ever made (7/27) (as on Wikipedia)
  5. start and watch all episodes of one TV show (1/1)
  1. go 200 days without using my car (28/200)
  2. use a max of 4 bottles of shampoo (2.5/4)
  3. use up or throw out 10 bottles of nail polish (4/10)
  1. make cakepops (1/1)
  2. eat a cupcake from Take the Cake (1/1)
  3. try out 5 new recipes (5/5)
  4. bake my own bread (5/5)
  5. make artfully decorated sugar cookies (1/1)
  1. get at least 25 ects credits at university - prolonged until January 2015 (1/25)
  2. work out a digital filing system for university documents (0/1)
  3. write a short story or report (0/1)
  4. read 20 books (20/20)
  5. read 10 books from the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge (6/10)
  1. go to the seaside (1/1)
  2. visit London (0/1)
  3. make a city trip with my mum (1/1)
  4. visit 5 sights in Austria mentioned in 1001 places to see before you die (5/5)
  5. spend a night outside watching the stars (0/1)
  6. watch a sunrise (0/1)
  1. write 55 blog posts (38/55)
  2. host a give away on the blog (0/1)
  3. write 4 posts about nail designs I tried out myself (2/4)
this and that
  1. buy a new dressing gown (1/1)
  2. sort through my handbags and sell/give away unused ones (0/1)
  3. use up lipglosses/lipsticks (2/3)

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